North West’s Leading Water Mains Specialist
North West’s leading drain specialists
When a business or property is affected by a burst water main, it can be alarming at just how disruptive and costly it can be. Simple things like cooking, cleaning, drinking, washing and flushing toilets. Also, some commercial properties andbusinesses rely on water to complete certain processes or even manufacture products and continue operating. If water supply is cut off even just for a few hours, it can cause significant damage to the business and cash flow. Broken water mains are not a common occurrence, but can strike at any time, whether due to wear and tear, accident excavation and damage to drains and pipes. Been affected by a burst water main? Call North West Drain Services now.
There are loads of reasons you need a water mainsreplacement. Lead pipes are one probability, they can be a health hazard and aging drains / pipes can become unreliable and deteriorate. In order to replace your water mains, we can use
Whether it’ a result of wear and tear or changes intemperature during winter months? Water mains can break or leak without any warning. When they do, it can cause flooding and damage in the thousands. If a water main does stop working or breaks, you need a reliable local water mainspecialist to fix the problem as fast as possible. North West Drain Services are available 24 hours a day to deal with all emergency water main repairs and call outs.
A pressure test on any pipework between the external stop valve & stopcock will show whether or not you have a leak in your water main. Both the stop valve and the internal stopcock get turned off so that any water is held in the pipework between them the pressure will drop if there is a leak detected. North West Drain Services, offer a comprehensive water main leak detection & repair service across the whole of the North West.
Before connecting a new water main, most water utility companies require proof that your water main does not have any leaks. Water Utility companies have strict guidelines and procedures for water mains pressure testing, which means it might not be as simple and as straightforward as it sounds. Pressure testing often requires a specialist as well as satisfactory evidence to be provided. North West Drain Services are that local water mains specialist you are likely looking for. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us today.
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